frequently asked questions

What is a Mental Health First Aid Course?

Mental Health First Aid England offers a range of training courses from awareness raising to skill development. Our Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) courses are designed for everyone.

Through this course we take people on a journey to understand what mental health is. We discuss how we all have mental health, like physical health, and we teach people to look after their own and others’ wellbeing.

Our MHFAider® courses:

  • Encourage people to challenge the language we use around mental health

  • Explore our different frames of reference and the stigma attached to mental health

  • Help people to understand what good mental health looks like

  • Explore the factors that can have an impact on our mental health

  • Look at how to support yourself and others with self-care, giving the skills to influence your own mental health and help prevent mental ill health

  • Teach how to intervene (including in a crisis), reassure and signpost to further support

  • Teach about diagnosable mental health conditions, what unwell looks like and how to spot these signs in yourself and others

  • Talk about what to do if you think someone is unwell and the steps to take for early intervention

  • Talk about recovery from mental illness and looking forward

Who is the course for?

MHFA England courses are for everyone! Our courses are designed so that you don’t need existing knowledge of mental health, just like you don’t need a medical background to take a first aid course. We would recommend MHFA England training for anyone – just as it’s a good idea for people to have basic knowledge of physical first aid. Here are just some of the people who benefit from MHFA England skills:

  • Line managers

  • HR professionals

  • Social care professionals

  • Teachers

  • Parents

  • Foster parents

  • First responders

  • Staff nurses

  • Local authorities

  • Friends and family

  • People with lived experience of mental ill health

How do I become a Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®)?

To become a Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) you need to take a Mental Health First Aider course. This is an online course delivered through the MHFA England Online Learning Hub. Learning takes place through four live training sessions, spread across two weeks, with self-learning activities in between.

You can book as an individual with one of our independent instructors.

If you are looking to train eight people or more in your organisation, get in touch with us to learn more and to discuss your requirements.

How do I book a course?

Please contact Thortitude here and we will work with you to find dates suitable to train your staff.

Can I change or cancel my booking?

Please contact us at to cancel your booking.

How much does it cost to take a MHFA course?

Our courses are priced at £325 including all course materials. Please contact us for very large course numbers as discounts can be provided.

I have accessibility needs; will these be accommodated on the course?

We strive to create courses and resources that everyone can access. If you have any accessibility needs, please contact us here and we will endeavour to accommodate you.

Do I have to attend the whole course?

You need to complete all parts of the course to receive a certificate of attendance. All parts of the course are equally important to learn a safe grounding in Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) skills.

Are there any courses running near me?

Please contact us here. We deliver training nationwide and will be happy to accommodate you.

Do I get a qualification at the end of the course?

At the end of the completed course each participant will receive a certificate and will be a certified Mental Health First Aider!

How often do I need to renew my MHFA training?

Like physical first aid, your MHFA England training is valid for three years. We recommend that Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAiders®) attend an MHFA Refresher course every three years to renew their skills, update their knowledge of mental health supports, and practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan.

I've finished my course - where is my certificate?

Once your Instructor Member has marked you as having completed the course, you'll get an email asking for feedback on the course. After you have left feedback or chosen to opt out, you will get an email with your certificate attached. It's also worth checking your spam/junk folder in case it has ended up in there by mistake. If you still haven't received it, please email us on

I've seen other mental health first aid courses that are cheaper. Why is this?

As the idea of Mental Health First Aid becomes more popular, some other training providers are starting to offer unlicensed 'mental health first aid' or 'first aid for mental health' instructor training.

We would advise caution when choosing a training provider, whether you're looking for a mental health first aid course or interested in becoming an instructor yourself. The quality and safety of courses provided by other training providers cannot be guaranteed.

The cost of an MHFA England Instructor Training programme reflects the quality of teaching, materials and support that you will receive as part of your seven day experience.  Cheaper, unlicensed training is unlikely to have the evidence base or quality that is associated with MHFA England Instructor Training programmes, which have been running for over ten years and are part of a global programme active in 24 countries.

Do you have any emergency contact details for someone in distress?

In an emergency:

  • Call 999

  • Go to your nearest Accident and Emergency (A&E)

 If you or someone else needs medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency:

  • Call 111

This is a free number to call. They can direct you to your local crisis support services and mental health organisations and offer health advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


The team behind Thortitude hold the following accreditations: